Saturday, February 11, 2006

The countdown: 8 days to go!

Hi everyone!

It’s only 8 days to go!!! Wahooooo! I am alternating between being very excited and very busy with little time to be excited at the moment!

I am continuing to see God provide for me in every way as I draw closer to my departure from Australia. I am very close to reaching my target for financial support – I now only need $287 to meet the target and God has proved to me that he will provide just what I need so I’m sure he has it in hand.

In terms of travel itinerary, I leave Australia on the 19th of February at 12:20pm on QF93. After a lot of travelling, I will arrive in Queretaro, Mexico at 8:10pm on the same day (due to the time difference!)! I will return to Australia on the 2nd of April at 8:55am on QF94.
I have been emailing with the team in Mexico to confirm last minute details. Justin and Lluvia Hoste (iTeams missionaries from USA) will be meeting me at the airport on my arrival and showing me around. I’m sure that I will be quite tired after many hours of travel!

Thanks to everyone for their continued support on this journey. It has been amazing for me to see God work in powerful ways already in bringing everything together to allow me to go on this trip. I praise Him for his wonderful love and provision in my life - what a wonderful God we serve!

A couple of reminders: Tomorrow morning (12th of February) I will be commissioned for my short-term at Balwyn Gospel Chapel (2 Leonard St, Balwyn) at 10am. I will also be presenting at the International Teams, Windows on the World program next Friday night 7:30pm also at Balwyn Gospel Chapel.
Finally don't forget I will be having a farewell (and birthday) dinner at Montezuma’s Mexican restaurant next Saturday night at 7pm. If you wish to come along for dinner, you’ll need to let me know by Wednesday – all the details are below.

Please pray for my closeness to God as I embark on this trip, travelling and logistics as I go and that I will quickly pick up some more Spanish (and be perseverant with 99% of people speaking Spanish around me all the time!).
Praise God for the International Teams Summer Teams that have finished in the last week or so. For those that know her, Sarah Hill is back and has some amazing stories and photos of seeing God work over in Bolivia.

God bless,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mother Mary says
Go for it, boy! You're almost there! Hope the week goes well and you get packed in time. Keep following the Micah Challenge - God bless.