Thursday, February 16, 2006

Friends at NCR

It's all getting very exciting as I am in my last few days in Australia! I can't believe how quickly the time has gone - I leave on Sunday! Woah - I've still got so much to do!! God has provided for me abundantly and I have received all the financial support I need to go on this trip - huge thanks to everyone who has contributed!

I was privileged to spend tonight with friends at New Community Ringwood and share a little of what I will be doing in Mexico. It was great to connect with the community there and to receive their support, encouragement and prayers. I am so grateful to God to have so many people around me who are behind me to encourage and pray as I step out.

It was great to recall the night at NCR when God really placed on my heart to engage in a short-term mission. It was also fantastic to share with the people at NCR as we remembered what God has done amongst the community there in 2005 and looked forward to what He will do in 2006.

I have been challenged to think about what God might be doing in my life in a year's time - I know that it's in His hands but it's exciting to see His plan unfold in my life.

Also - a big shout out to any of the KPMG guys who are reading this, I know that I sent out the link tonight so would love you to get on board and check out what I'm doing as I venture over to Mexico. Thanks for being such a great team of people to work with!

Finally, I thought I should just post another photo. This one I found is of a hacienda in Queretaro - I'm pretty sure that I won't be staying in one of these extravagant mansions! They were built by wealthy settlers in the 17th and 18th centuries...

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